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a Day out

Today I took the bus from Blakeney to the centre of Gloucester and another bus out to Tuffley to

Skills Zone.

All County Councillors had been invited to spend the day with refugees learning about firefighting and the people that put themselves out there to protect us.

We were able to see interactions between firefighters and the children and young people, demonstrating their equipment. In conversation with some of the families and firefighters Cate Cody and I managed to link a particular young man to the local fire fighters cadets; exciting to think that this could be the start of a young persons journey towards a rewarding career. Although Gloucestershire has one of the best representations of women in the fire service, there is a way to go to have fair representation of ethnic minorities; as a member of the equalities board on County I will be asking how we can be proactive about increasing representation so that our society is represented in our services.

Back in Gloucester we took the opportunity to try out the Zwigs scooters the GCC have on trial. We had though that we could take them from the centre to Skills zone but the system is not set up for that kind of time and

distance so although it was good fun and potentially a quick way to get across the centre of Gloucester there needs to be more parking bays further afield to make it viable on longer trips, but excellent fun!

The bus cost Ten Pounds return, I look forward to the government capping bus fairs to two pounds each way within an 80 mile radius!

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