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Councillors BeinG part of the Community

Parish Councillors Alison Bruce and Jackie Dale get stuck in with County Councillor Beki Hoyland planting wildflower seeds at Yorkley Village Garden.

Community orchards and gardens are popping up all over the Forest. They are a great way to protect our important open spaces and carbon sinks while creating spaces for growing orchards, fruit and vegetables, wildflower meadows and/or allotments.

Councils are in a good place to help counteract the decline of biodiversity by looking to increase tree and shrub cover and where possible, to include wildflowers. Yorkley Village Garden intends to plant an orchard, manage the grassland to promote wildflowers, and grow organic vegetables.

Yorkley Village Garden is in its infancy, bu there's lots of enthusiasm and support. 15 people turned up last Sunday to help rake grass and plant wildflower seeds. The next event will be tree planting. Watch out for news and how to get involved on the Facebook Page - 'Yorkley Village Garden'.

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