The question of ‘What to do about Cannop Ponds?’ is a huge issue for the community, those who enjoy it, use it and love it.
‘Cannop’ has become a divisive issue for some in the Forest of Dean, especially for those who want to keep it as it is now and those who want to use it for narrow political ends.
The various opinions in the Forest of Dean Green Party reflects the wider opinion within our community. We have had huge debates around the issue, and in truth some want no change, some prioritise a reduction in flood risk to the people of Parkend and Lydney and some want to see all the evidence and the full consultative process play out before taking a view.
This issue is not one that is going to be decided by the Forest of Dean Council.
Our incredibly hard-working councillors and party members debate an idea, consider the evidence and come to a democratic decision on key issues. We will continue to do so, and we promise as part of our clean campaign that we will never be compromised by political expediency.
An issue as big as Cannop and its heritage should not simply be exploited as a political tool for a local election, but one that needs serious consideration and consultation with the people of the Forest.
To be clear, the Greens in the Forest of Dean support a transparent and open process.
We want you to see the reports from Forestry England which can be found below.
We want you to get involved in the consultation meetings. You can do so online if you aren't able to attend in person.
We want you to make up your own mind on the issue.
Please don’t be swayed without having all the information and make sure you consider all the options and the evidence.